Budget 2021 Update

It’s an introduction only and should not be used as a definitive guide, since individual circumstances may vary. Specific advice should be obtained, where necessary. The message from the Chancellor was that this is a Budget with three aims: protecting the jobs and...

2016 Budget Summary

On 16 March 2016 George Osbourne presented his budget, the budget was followed by the publication of the finance bill on the 24 March. Here are the top key points affecting small business. Personal Allowance For 2017/18 the personal allowance will increase to £11,500...

The Town That Took on the Taxman

  There was a great programme on the TV last night. “The Town That Took on the Tax Man’” You can catch up with it on iPlayer here: http://bbc.in/1nnmfQJ A group of traders from Crickhowell, set up a multinational tax avoidance scheme using the same techniques...

Starbucks (Tax Planning) vs The EU

The US coffee chain, Starbucks has been receiving some fairly heavy criticism over the last couple of years after it has emerged that they have paid almost no tax in the UK between 2002 and 2012. Actually, it’s amazing that a company which has posted such significant...